Exemption of 2 subjects,1st Year subjects from Compulsory Subjects for award of B.Tech (R07) Degree ::
B.Tech (R07) Regulations – First year subjects – Exemption from Compulsory Subjects for award of B.Tech degree – Regarding
As per B.Tech (R07) regulations, one of the academic requirements to award B.Tech degree is that the student should secure 216 credits out of 224 credits registered with the compulsory subjects as listed below:
1. All the first year subjects
2. All the practical subjects
3. Industry oriented mini-project
4. Comprehensive Viva-Voce
5. Seminar
6. Project work.
Many representations from the students of R07 regulations are received, requesting the University not to consider the first year subjects as compulsory in the calculation of 216 credits, required for the award of B.Tech degree. Also they represented that inspite of their hard work and effort made to pass the first year subjects, they are unable to pass one or two subjects which are compulsory subjects to become eligible for the award of B.Tech degree.
In this connection, after careful consideration of the representations, mentioned above, the Vice-Chancellor is pleased to exempt all the first year subjects from the compulsory subjects, listed above. The clause No.1 of R07 regulations is hereby amended as follows:
A Student will be declared eligible for the award of the B.Tech degree if he fulfills the following academic regulations:
(i) Pursued a course of study for not less than four academic years and not more than eight academic years.
(ii) Registered for 224 credits and secured 216 credits with compulsory subjects as listed below:
1. All the practical subjects
2. Industry oriented mini-project
3. Comprehensive Viva-Voce
4. Seminar
5. Project work.
These orders shall come into force for the students appeared for the examinations during April/May-2011 onwards.However incase of students who have one back-log subjects carrying 6 credits , degree shall be awarded for best of 218 credits.
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