Pre - Ph.D Examination Notification - August - 2014::
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject name
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject name
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH101
Unit. I.
Shell and Tube 1-leat Exchanger Design: 1-2 parallel — counter flow: Shell and Tube Exchanger, Flow arrangements for increased heat recovery, Calculations for process conditions. Condenser Design: Condensation of single vapor, Condensation of mixed vapor.
Unit. II
Multiple Effect Chemical Evaporation: Calculations of Chemical Evaporators, Solution of industrial problems: concentration of cane sugar liquors forward feed, evaporation of paper pulp waste liquors — backward feed, caustic soda concentration — forced circulation evaporators. Thermo compression: Design of thermo compression sugar evaporator. Vaporizers and Reboilers: Vaporizing processes, Reboiler arrangements, Classifcatiori of vaporizing exchangers, Heat flux and temperature difference Limitations. Relation between maximum flux and maximum film coefficient, Forced Circulation vaporizin, exchangers, Natural Circulation vaporizing exchangers.
Unit. III
Towers: Introduction, Contacting Devices, Choice between Packed Columns and Plate columns, Tower Packings, Choice of plate types, Plate calculations, Transfer unit calculations, Column diameter. Packed Towers: Introduction, Type and Size of Packings, Flooding, Pressure Drop, Foam, Holdup, Degree of Wetting, Column Diameter, Height of Packing, Design of a Packed Tower for Distillation, Optimum Design. Sieve and Valve Tray Design: Introduction, Sieve Trays: Tower Diameter, Plate Spacing, Entrainment, Weepage, Tray Layout, Hydraulic Parameters, Worksheet for Sieve Tray Design. Valve trays: Flooding and Entrainment, Tray Spacing, Foaming Tray type, Tray diameter and Lay out, Hydraulic Parameters.
Unit. IV
Mechanical Design: Introduction, The Mechanical Design of Heat Exchangers: General Thicknesses of various components, The Mechanical Design of Columns: Vessel Desigr, Vessel Supports, Foundations, Manholes and Flanges, Vessel internals, Materials of Construction.
Unit. V
Practical Rules of Thumb: Pressure Vessels, Reactor Design Temperature, 1) rums, Fractionating Towers, Heat Exchangers, Pipelines and Pumps. Scale up of Process Equipment: Introduction, Basic Principles of Scale-up, Scale-up of Heat Exchange Systems, Scale-up of Chemical Reactors, Scale-up of Liquid Mixing Systems, Scale-up of Fluid Flow systems.
1. Process Heat Transfer by D.Q,Kern, Mc Graw Hill Co.,
2. Process Plant Design by Backhurst and Harker. Heinmann Educational Books
3. Process Equipment Design by M.V.Joshi, McMillan India.
4. Coulson and Richardson Chemical Engineering Volume 6 Pergarnon Press.
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH102
Review of basic postulates., Maxwell‟s relations, Legendre transformation, Pure component properties, theory of corresponding states, real fluids.
Unit II
Equilibrium, phase rule, single component phase diagrams, introduction to multi -component multi -phase equilibrium.
Unit III
Introduction to classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, canonical ensemble , micro canonical ensemble, grand canonical ensemble, Boltzmann, Fermi-dirac and Bose -Enstien statistics, fluctuations, monoatomic and diatomic gases.
Unit IV
Introduction to classical statistical mechanics, phase space, Louiville equation, crystals, intermolecular forces and potential energy functions, imperfect monoatomic gases, molecular theory of corresponding states, introduction to molecular simulations.
Unit V
Molecular theories of activity coefficients, lattice models, multi-phase multi-component phase equilibrium, VKE/SLE/LLE/VLLE, chemical equilibrium and combined phase and reaction equilibria. Thermodynamics of irreversible processes, Exergy analysis of chemical engineering processes.
1. D.A. McQuarrie, Statistical Mechanics, Viva Books Private limited, 2003.
2. J.M. Prausnitz, R.M. Lichtenthaler and E.G. Azevedo, Molecular thermodynamics of fluid-phase Euilibria (3rd edition)
Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersery, 1996``
1. H. Terrel, An Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics, Dover, 1960
2. M.P. Allen, DJ Tildesley, computer simulation of liquids, Oxford, 1989
3. H.B. Callen Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatics, 2dn Edition, John wiley and sons, 1985.
4. J.M smith. H.C.V. Ness and M.M. Abott, Introduction to Chemical engineering thermodynamics” McGraw Hill
International edition (5th ed). 1996.
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH103
Unit -I
Reactor Design for Complex reactions
Choice of reactor and design considerations for reversible, parallel, series and series- Parallel reactions networks.
Unit - II
Reactor Models for Non- Ideal Flow & Mixing of Fluids
Two parameter models - Modeling real reactors with Combination of ideal reactors, testing a model and determining its parameters.
Mixing of Fluids
Zero Parameter Models, Segregation Model, and maximum mixedness
Unit - III
Reactors for Fluid - Fluid reactions
Design of fluid- fluid reactors for straight mass transfer and for mass transfer with not very slow reactions- choice of tower and tank reactor, Reactive distillation and extractive reactions .
Unit - IV
Reactors for Fluid - Solid Non Catalytic Reactions
Design of Fluid - Solid reactors : Continuous and Semi -Continuous reactor Models, mixed, plug flow of particles of single size feed and size mixture of particles with unchanging and changing sizes in uniform gas flow.
Unit - V
Reactors for Fluid - Solid Catalytic Reactions
Surface Catalysis, Kinetics in porous catalyst particles, Design and operation of reactors
containing porous catalyst particles, Experimental methods for finding rates, Catalyst deactivation and regeneration, Reactors with suspended solid catalyst .
1. Levenspiel, O., “Chemical Reaction Eng “ 3rd ed. John Wiley & sons 2001.
2. Fogler S. H. “ Elements of Chemical reaction of Engineering “, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall, 1999.
3. J. M. Smith “ Chemical Engineering Kinetics “ 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall, 1999.
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH104
Unit I:
Bioprocess Principles: Kinetics of biomass production, substrate utilization and product formation, Batch and continuous culture, fed-batch culture
Unit II
Introduction to fermentation process general requirement of formulation process overview of aerobic and anaerobic formation process and their application in industries. medium requirement for fermentation process, Examples of simple and complex media design and usage of commercial media for industrial fermentation. Thermal death kinetics of micro organisms, heat sterilization of liquid media filter sterilization of liquid media and air
Unit III:
Enzyme Technology - microbial metabolism of enzyme- classification and properties applied enzyme catalysis kinetics of enzyme catalytic reactions, metabolic pathways protein synthesis in cells
Unit IV:
Bioreactor Design and operation selection, scale-up, operation of bioreactors. Mass transfer in heterogeneous biochemical reaction systems, Oxygen transfer in submerged fermentation processes, Oxygen uptake rates and coefficients. Role of aeration and agitation in oxygen transfer heat trans fer processes in biological systems.
Recovery and purification of production:-
Primary separation; separation of insoluble- sedimentation, centrifugation, filtration and celt disruption. Isolation and concentration - extraction micro-filtration, ultra filtration .
Purification: precipitation, Chromatographic separation adsorption and electrophoresis. Final purification: Crystallization, Drying
Unit V:
Introduction to instrumentation and process control in bioprocesses: measurement of physical and Chemical parameters in bioreactors, monitoring and control of dissolved Oxygen, PH, Impeller speed and temperature in a stirred-tank fomenter.
1. M.L. shuler and F. Kargi, “ Bio-Process Engineering, 2nd prentice Hall of India, New Delhi -
2. Rajiv Dutta, “Fundamentals of Biochemical Engineering, 1st edn., springlar, 2008.
3. H.W. Blanch and Doughlour S. Clark, Biochemical Engineering spl. Indian Edn., mariel-
Dekker, 2007
4. J.E Bailey and D.F. Ollis, “Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals” 2nd edn., MC Grow Hill
Publishing company, New york 1986.
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH105
Unit- 1: Introduction - Finite difference methods- finite element method - finite volume method- Treatment of boundary conditions- Governing differential equations. Finite difference methods - Taylor‟s series - Errors associated with FDE- FDE formulation for steady state heat transfer problems
Unit - II
Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems- boundary conditions- Un steady state heat conduction Explicit Method - Stability criteria - Implicit Method - Crank Nickolson method - 2-D FDE formulation AD!- ADE. Finite volume method - Generalized differential equation, Basic rules for control volume approach, Source term linearization, boundary conditions. Un-steady state one, two, three dimensional heat conduction
Unit - III
convection and diffusion, different methods i.e., upwind scheme, Exponential scheme, Hybrid scheme, power law scheme, calculation of flow field, staggered grid method, pressure and velocity corrections, SIMPLE Algorithms & SIMPLER (revised algorithm). Solution methods of elliptical, parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations in fluid mechanics - Burgers equation.
Formulations for incompressible viscous flows - vortex methods -pressure correction methods.
Unit-. V
Treatment of compressible flows- potential equation, Navier - Stokes equation - flow field dependent variation methods, boundary conditions. Linear fluid flow problems, 2-I) and 3- 1) fluid flow problems.
1. Numerical heat transfer and fluid flow - S.V. Patankar
2. Computational Fluid Dynamics, T.J. Chung, Cambridge University
3. Text Book of Fluid Dynamics, Frank Chorlton, CBS Publishers
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH106
Unit. I
Isolation, development and preservation of industrial microorganisms; substrates for industrial microbial processes. Analysis of various microbial processes used in production of biomass, primary and secondary metabolites
Unit. II
Regulatory mechanisms of metabolic pathways in industrial strains;
Unit. III.
Microbial leaching of minerals; microorganisms in degradation of xenobiotics and removal of‟ heavy metals;biotransformation
Unit. IV
Production; isolation; purification and application of industrial enzymes; immobilized enzymes; Stabilization of enzymes;
Unit. V.
Enzymes as industrial biocatalysts,Enzyme catalyzed organic synthesis; multi enzyme systems.
1. Bio Chemical Engineering Fundamentals by Bailey J,E, Ollis, D.F., 2 Edition, Mc Graw Hill International Edition,Newyork 1986..
2, Bic process Engineering Basic Concepts by M.L.Shufer and F. Kargi, Prentice Hall of India, 2002.
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH107
Unit. I
Fundamentals involved in production of industrial microbial product details of fermentors, synthetic and natural medium, Precursors, Sterilization methods and inoculum preparation
Unit. II
A detailed study of ethanol production by fermentation, using black strap molasses, Starchy substance and glucosic like waste sulfate liquid, Purification methods of fermented broth and production of absolute ethyl alcohol
Unit. III
Materials for fern-ientative production of vinegar, lactic acid, citric acid and Amino acids. The method involves selection of particular strain of the microorganism for industrial fermentation, process details and purification.
Unit. IV
Production of alcoholic beverages with beer, brandy, whisky and wine Production of Baked goods, cheese and other dairy products
Unit. V.
Production of antibiotics. Tetracy clines. alkaloids, bakers yeast and microbial enzymes and co-enzymes. Fermentative materials fbr producing vitamins
Texts References:
1. Samuel C. Presscot and Ceceil. Gunn, ”industrial microbiology”, McGraw hill publication.
2. L. E, Casida. Jr ”lndustrial Microbiology”, Wiley Eastern limited.
3. I1.J.Peppler and D,.Pulman ,“Microhial technology” Vol I and IL (Academic Press).
4. A. E. Humphrey,”B lochem ical Engineering”
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH108
Past, present and future of petrochemicals, Refining of Petroleum, Characterization of complex feed stocks, Simple methods to define conversion of complex feed stocks. Altenative sources and strategies to meet future needs of chemical process industries, Various processes and techniques involved in thermal cracking, Catalytic cracking, Fluidized catalytic cracking, Steam reforming and partial oxidation
Unit II.
Mechanism involved during thermal cracking reaction, Details of thermal cracking to produce light olefins from various feed stocks, Ethanol dehydration process to produce ethylene.
Unit. III
Effect of various parameters i.e temperature, residence time, HCCP and C/H ratio on yields of important products from various feed stocks during thermal cracking, R-K theory to predict product yields from various feed stocks during thermal cracking.
Unit. IV
Coke formation during thermal cracking and catalytic cracking reactions from Various petrochemical feed stocks, Simple models of coke formation during thermal cracking reactions to produce maximum light olefins. Various structures of deposited coke during pyrolysis, Various ways to inhibit coke formation.
Unit. V
Industrial process of hydro cracking and reforming, Global economic scenario of petrochemical industry, Newer materials of construction, Environmental aspects of petrochemical industry in general.
1. Petroleum Refining, Dr B.K, Baskara Rao.
2. Petrochemicals, Dr B.K. Baskara Rao.
3. Nelson, W.L. „Petroleum Refinery engineering”, McGraw Hill, New York 1961.
4. Ilengstebeck RJ., “Petroleum Refining”, McGraw Hill, New York 1959.
5. Steiner H, “Introduction to petroleum Chemical Industry”, Pergamon, L:ondon, 1961.
6. V.Y.Sern, “Gas phase oxidation”, Pergamon, London, 1964.
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH109
Unit : 1
Polymer Fundamentals: Defining polymers, classification of polymers and fundamentals concepts, chemical classification of polymers based on polymerization Mechanisms. Molecular weight distributions, configuration and crystallinity of polymeric materials.
Unit : II.
Step growth polymerization: introduction, esterification of homologous series and the equal reactivity hypothesis, kinetics of A-R-B polymerization using the equal reactivity hypothesis, average molecular weight in step growth polymerization. molecular weight distribution in step growth polymerization. Chain Growth polymerization: Introduction, Radical Polymerization, Kinetic model of radical polymerization, average molecular weight in radical polymerization, verification of the kinetic model and the gel effect in radical polymerization, temperatures effect in radical polymerization
Unit III.
Ionic and anionic polymerization, Zigler-Natta catalyst in stereo regular polymerization, kinetic mechanism in heterogeneous stereo regular polymerization, stereo regulation by Zigler — Natta catalyst, rates of Ziegler — Natta polymerization. Diffusional effect in Ziegular- Natta polymerization.
Unit. IV
Emulsion polymerization, Introduction, aqueous emulsifier solutions. Smith and Ewart theory for state II of the emulsion polymerization Estimation of the total number of particles, Nt determination of molecular weight in emulsion polymerization, emulsion polymerization in homogeneous continuous flow stirred tank reactors (HCSTRs), time dependent emulsion polymerization. Measurement of molecular Weight and its distribution: Introduction, End group analysis colligative properties, light scattering Ultracentrifugation, Intrinsic viscosity, gel permeation chromatography.
Unit. V
Thermodynamics of polymer mixtures: Introduction, criteria for polymer solubility, the Flora- Huggins
theory, free volume theory, the solubility parameter, Polymer blends.
Theory of rubber Elasticity: Introduction, probability distribution for the freely jointed chain, elastic force between chain ends, stress- strain behavior, the stress tensor (matrix) measurement of finite strain, the
stress constitution equation, vulcanization of rubber and swelling equilibrium.
1. Fundamentals of polymers, Anil Kurnar, Rakesh K. Gupta, Mc Graw Hiil International edition, 1998.
2. Polymer Science and Technology, Joel R. Fried, 2nd editor prentice hall of India Publisher
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH110
Unit. I
The Nature of process Synthesis and analysis creative aspects of process design A Hierarchical approach to computer design. Information flow and design variables structure of design problem flow sheetoy - Definition, block diagram stream flow rates and information to be included.
Input Information and batch versus continuous input information level I Decision - Batch continuous input output structure of the flow sheet Desions for the input-output structure, design variables overall material balances and stream cost process alternatives recycle structure of the flow sheet Decisions that determine the recycle structure recycle material balances reactor heat effects, equilibrium limitations compressor design and costs reactor design recycle economic evaluation
Unit -III
Computer aided flow sheeting steady state simulation programme - An overview, Information flow diagrams, calculations with recycle streams split fraction concept closed recycle systems estimation of the split fraction coefficients.
Unit -IV
Heat exchanger networks - introduction minimum heating and cooling requirements minimum number of exchanges area estimates design of minimum energy network loops and paths reducing a number of heat exchangers and more complete design algorithms.
Unit -V
Stream splitting heat and power integration heat administration as per plus applications - flow sheet creation, input parameters selected modules such as heat exchange columns and reactors.
1. Coulson and Richrd son “Chemical Engineering Design” volume 6
2. J.M. Douglous, Conceptual Design of Chemical Process, MC Grow Hill, 1988.
3. D.M. Himmublau, Basic Principles and calculation in chemical engineering PHI
4. A.W. Westerberg, HP Hatchson, R.L. Motard and P. Winter Process Flow sheeting Cambridge
University Press 1979.
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH201
Air pollutants, dynamics, plume behavior, dispersion of air pollutants, dynamics, plume behavior, dispersion of air pollutants, atmospheric dispersion equation and its solutions. Gaussian plume models. Design concepts for pollution abatement systems for particulates and gases. These include gravity chambers, cyclone separators, lilters, electrostatic porecipitators, condensation, adsorption and absorpotion, thermal oxidation and biological processes.
Unit. II
Waster water treatment processes: Design concepts for primary treatment, grid chambers and primary sedimentation basins, biological treatment. Treatment methods — component separation, chemical and biological treatment
Unit. III.
Bacterial population dynamics, kinetics of biological growth and its applications to biological treatment, process design relationships and analysis, determination of kinetic coefficients, activated sludge process.
Unit. IV
Design, trickling filter design considerations, advanced treatment processes. Study of environment pollution from process industries and their abatement. Fertilizer, paper and pulp, inorganic acids, petroleum and petrochemicals, recovery of materials from process effluents.
Unit. V
Solid waste and Hazardous waster management: Sanitary land fill design, Hazardous waste classification and rules, management strategies. Incineration, solidification and stabilization, and disposal methods.
1. Environmental pollution control engineering, 2 edition (in press), by C.S.Rao.
2. Pollution control in process industries by S.P. Mahajan.
1. N.L.Nernerow, “Liquid waste of industry- theories, Practices and Treatment”, Addison Wesley, New York, 1 971.
2. W.J.Weber, “Physico-Chemical Processes for water quality control”, Wiley lnterscience,. New York, 1969.
3. W.Strauss, “Industrial gas cleaning”, Pergamon, London, 1975.
4. A.C.Stern, “Air pollution”, Volumes Ito VI, academic Press, New York, 1968.
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH202
Unit: I
Frequency Response, Nyauist Stability criterion, Gainmargir and phate margin, effete addition of poles and zeros Inverse polar plots, stability criteria in the inverse plane. Closed loop frequency response M and circles correlation between transient and frequency response
Unit II.
Introduction to advance control system cascade control, feed forward control Adaptive control, inferential control, internal model control, model predictive control, Dynamic mattire control, Ratio control, selective and split range control, plant vide control
Unit III.
State space methods: State space representation of physical system: State variables, state space description selection of state variable, Transfer function matrise, Transition matise, solution of state space models.
Unit -IV
Controllability and absorbability s, multivariable control, Control of interacting systems primary and cross controllers, Relative gain Analysis (R GA), Response of multiloop control system, No interacting control, Deconplers, Stability of multivariable control systems
Unit -V
Digital computer process interface, control loops, Design problems, sampling continuous signals Reconstruction continuous signals from s discrete values, conversion of continuous to discrete time models, z-transforms, properties of z-transforms, inverse z-transforms modified z-transform, response of discrete dynamic systems
1. Process systems Analysis and control Donald R Conghnaour, M.C. Grow - Hill publishers, 1991.
2. Process control - Modeling, Design and simulation B. Wayre Bequette, Prentice Hall International
3. Control System Engineering I.J. Nagarath and M. Gopal New Age International Publishers, 1999.
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH203
Unit: -I
Introduction: Classification of reparation processes; Equilibrium - Based reparations General properties
operation and complexities of reparations that involve mass rap rating agents and energy repeating agents. Review of vapor liquid and energy separating agents. Review of vapor liquid equilibrium and other equilibrium. Thermodynamic consistency test for VLE date phase rule and degrees of freedom estimations. Eqmilirinor ratio concept and its estimation from Defroster‟s charts; Bubble and Dew-Point calculations, Flash calculation estimation of state of the mixture
Binary separation process: Common approach for process design estimation of feed location, product qualities and theoretical stages of equilibrium based reparations: single stage-single component and Multistage single component reparation processes involving absorption stripping liquid -liquid immiscible extraction adsorption and distillation Kermes-brown equation and its limitation process designee (estimation of feed location, product qualities and theoretical stages) of multistage multiple feeds and side stream process.
Unit III
Multi component separation process: Multi component Distillation Introduction. Key components; Estimation of minimum theoretical stages (Fizzles equation0 Distribution as non-key components in airhead and bottom products at total refuse; Determination of minimum refuse ratio (under wood‟s method), Approximate calculation for multi component, multistage distillation estimation of actual refuse ratio and theoretical stages) kirks-Bridge equation) distribution of no-key components at actual refuse.
Capacity and efficiency of contacting devices energy requirements of reparation process case studies in the reelection of separation process
Unit -V
Membrane separation process principled, characteristics and clarification of membrane reparation process, membrane materials, structure preparation of techniques, membrane modules, Membrane characterization pose size, pore distribution. Factors affecting retentively, Concentration polarization, gel polarization, fouling, eleaqing and refrigeration of membranes. Mechanisms of separation processes membrane, deme membranes and liquid membranes science and Technology of micro filtration reverse osmosis ultra filtration, Nan filtration dialysis and electro dialysis perspiration, liquid membrane permeation, gas permeation membrane reactor: polymeric, ceramic metal and Bio membranes
1. R.E. Treybal, Mass Transfer operation, 3rd edition MC Graw - Hill 1980
2. G.J. Geankoplis, Transport Process and separation process Principles, 4th equation, pretice Hall of India,
3. P.H. Mankat, Equilibrum Stays Separation, Elsewies publication, 1988.
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH204
Unit I : Application of equation of change
Equation of change for isothermal systems - solution of steady state laminar flow problems including Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids equation of change for non-isothermal system- solution of steady state problems conduction, Convection problems with and without heat generation, limiting nusselt number for flow through piper and slits
Unit II: Multicomponent mixtures
Equations of change for multicomponant mixtures summary of multicomponent fluxes use of equations of change for mixtures staefam-Maxwell equation solution of problem using stream function
Unit III: Unsteady store problems and potential flow:
Unsteady stare flow between tow parallel plates oscillating plates, unsteady state through a pipe, heating of finite slab cooling of a sphere in contacy with well strived fluid unsteady state evaporation in a tube of intimate length gas absorption with rapid chemical reaction stream function, potential flow stable state two dimensional flow for momentwn heart and mass transfer
Unit : IV: Bonders Layer studies and Tubeless flow
Flow near a wall suddenls set in motion, flow near the leading edge of a plate hear transfer in laminar traced convection along hearted plate diffusion and Chemical reaction isothermal laminar flow along a Doluble plate steady store bowidars layer theory for flow around objects. Time smoothed equation of change for incompressible fluids application of empirical expression to solve turbulent flow problems
Unit V: Macroscopic Balances:
Macroscopic balenss to set up steady stre probles effel time for flow from veself of different geometries - Heating of liquid in a agitared tank pisposal of an unpteady waste prody unsteady stake operations of packed column application of unmerited methods to solve chemical engineering problems.
R.B. Bird, W.E steward and E.N. Light foot, Transport phenomena, second edition, John wiles and son, 2003
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH205
Unit. I
Linear Algebraic Equations: Introduction. Gauss Elimination, LU Decomposition, Gauss-Jordan Elimination, Gauss- Siedel methods. Nonlinear Algebraic Equations: Introduction, single variable successive substitutions (Fixed point method), Multivariable successive substitutions, single variable Newton-Raphson Technique, Multivariable Newton- Raphson Technique
Unit. II
Eigen values and Eigenvectors: Introduction, power method. Function Evaluation: Introduction, least squares curve-fit (linear regression), interpolation - Newton‟s forward formulae, Newton‟s backward formulae.
Unit. III
Interpolation Polynomial, Lagrangian Interpolation (Unequal Intervals), Pade‟ approximations . Ordinary Differential Equations - Initial Value Problems (ODE-IVPs):Introduction, explicit
Adams-Bashforth techniques, Predictor-Corrector Techniques, Runge-Kutta methods.
Unit. IV
Ordinary Differential Equations- Boundary Value Problems (ODE-B VPs)
Introduction. Galerkin Finite Element (GFE) Technique, Shooting Techniques.
Unit. V
Partial l) differential Equations (PDEs): Introduction, the finite difference technique (method of lines), The Galerkin Finite Element (GFE) Technique.
Text References:
1. Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engg. S.Pushpavanam, Prentice Hall of India
2. Numerical methods in engineering, S.K. Guptha., Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Numerical methods — P.Konda Sainy, K. Thilagravathy, K. Gunavathy. S.Chand & Company Ltd.
4. Introduction to the finite element methods, Erik 0. Thompson, John Wiley & Sons 2004.
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH206
Unit. I
1.Introduction: Importance of process safety with examples of major accidents; which might cover chemical, petroleum &. petroleum chemical Industrial
Unit. II
Material Hazards : Flammability, toxicity. Reaction Hazards, Burning Characteristics, Material Properties and Hazards. Process & Pressure effects and deviations, flow, lwvel and other process deviations.
Unit. III
Egnition Sources: Flames, Hot surfaces, static electricity, and the ike Explosions Confined & Unconfined explosions, [ILEVES, Dust Explosions
Unit. IV
Hazard Analysis‟:C heck — lists, fault trees, cause — consequence diagrams, HAZOP and other methods of study. Dow procedures for safety assessment. Safety Devices: Relief valves and Rupture disks Explosive relief, flare systems
Unit. V
Safety in plant Design & lay-out : Electrical area classification, control of entry to confined spaces. Emergency preparedness & liandling analysis of major accidents & preventive measures.
I. Chemical process Safety by Crow I
2. Chemical process safety by sanders
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH207
Unit. I.
Energy Outlook: Introduction, Scope of the Problem. Thermodynamic Efficiencies. The Fundamental Strategy. The Second Law of Thermodynamics Revisited: Difference between Laws, Definitions Available Energy. Availability, and Energy, Available Energy and Fuel. Characterizing Energy Use: Understanding Energy use, Missing Data. An illustrative Onsite Audit, An illustrative Steam Power Balance
Unit. II
Optimum performance of Existing Facilities: Principle I Minimize Waste ,Combustion Principles, Illustrative
Problems — Combustion Efficiency, Steam Trap Principles, Principle 2 Manage Energy Use Effectively, Facilities Improvement - An Overall Site Approach, Utilizing the Energy Audit, Overall Site Interactions, Cogeneration, Total Site Cogeneration Potential, II illustrative Problem: Maximum Potential Fuel Utilization, The Linear Programming Approach Methodology of Thermodynamic Analysis: General Considerations, Introduction, Sign Conventions, Detailed Procedures, Illustrative Examples.
Unit. III
Detailed Thermodynamic Analysis of Common Unit Operations: Introduction, Heat Exchange, Expansion - Pressure Letdown Mixing, Distillation — A Combination of Simple Processes Combustion Air Preheating. Use of
thermodynamic Analysis to Improve Energy Efficiency: Introduction, Overall Strategy, Reducing available Energy (Work) Losses, Accepting 1nevitahle” Inefficiencies, Optimization through Lost Work Analysis. Research Guidance. and Economics: Capital— Cost Relationships, Background Information, The Entire Plant Energy System Is Pertinent, Investment Optimization, Defining the limits of Current Technology, Fundamental Process Improvements
Unit. IV
Systematic Design Methods: Introduction, Process Synthesis, Applications to Cogeneration Systems, Thermo economics, Systematic Option station. Guidelines and Recommendations for improving process conditions: Introduction, Chemical Reactions, Separations, Heat Transfer, Process Machinery, System Interactions and Economics, A Check list of Energy Conservation Items, Shortcomings of Guidelines
Unit. V
Energy Conservation Measures: Introduction, Management Systems for Energy Conservation, Energy Audits and Energy Monitoring, Combined heat and power generation: introduction, Technology of CHP Systems, Balancing Heat and Power Loads, Economic Incentives for Further CHP systems, Technical Potential for Further CHP systems. Good Housekeeping (Minor) Conservation Measures Heat Recovery: Introduction, Heat Transfer Equipment, I—feat Exchanger Networks. Heat Recovery from Waste Fuels, Heat Exchanger Fouling, Fleat Pumps. Power recovery: Power recovery from pressure reduction of process fluids. Power recovery from low grade waste heat
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH208
Unit -I
Introduction, comprehensive view f EIA, methodology, framework of EIA, Consideration, Application, purpose of EIA, rapid EIA, Comprehensive EIA baseline date collection -air pollution parameters water pollution parameters, soil pollution noise pollution meteorological parameters.
Unit -II
Socio-economic studies prediction and assessment of impacts on air environment, water environment, ecological factors, meteorological factors, flora and fauna and socio economic conditions, environmental matrices
Quantitative assessment of advance effects, preparation of environmental management plan-consideration study observation process modification emission control, development of green belt.
Unit -IV
Ecological restoration, soil conservation, rainwater harvesting, recharge of ground water table restoration of flora and fauna, reclamation, rehabilitation, conservation of historical monuments
Unit -V
Review of EIA plans, modifications, environmental impact assessment for major industries - steel plants refineries power plants bulk drugs tenures mining fertilizers and chemical industries.
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH209
Unit I
Introduction: Separation processes, introduction to membrane processes, history, definition of a membrane, membrane processes. Materials and Material Properties: introduction, polymers, stereoisomerism, chain flexibility, molecular weight, chain interactions, state of the polymer, effect of polymeric structure on TG, glass transition temperature depression.
Unit II
Preparation of Synthetic Membranes: Introduction, preparation of synthetic membranes, phase inversion membranes, preparation technique for immersion precipitation, preparation technique for composite membranes. Characterization of Membranes: Introduction, membrane characterization. characterization of porous membranes, characterization of ionic membranes, characterization of non porous membranes.
Unit. III
Transport in Membranes: introduction, driving forces, non equilibrium thermodynamics, transport through porous. non porous. and ion exchange membranes. Membrane Processes: Introduction, osmosis, Pressure driven membrane processes, concentration driven membrane electrically driven processes, membrane reactors.
Unit IV
Polarization phenomenon and fouling: introduction, concentration polarization, turbulence promoters, pressure drop, gel layer model, osmotic pressure model, boundary layer resistance model, concentration polarization in diffusive membrane separations and electro dialysis, membrane fouling, methods to reduce fouling, compaction.
Unit. V
Module and process design: Introduction, plate and frame model, spiral wound module, tubular module, capillary module, hollow fiber model, comparison of module con figurations.
1. M.H,V. Mulder. Membrane Separations. Kluwer Publictions
I. S.P. Nunes, arid 1KV. Peinemann, membrane Technology in the chemical industry, Wiley-VCH. 2. Rautanbach and R.Albrecht. Membrane Process, John Wiley & Sons
3. R.Y .M. 1-luang. Perevoparation Membrane Separation Processes, Elsevier
4. J.G. Crcspo, K.W. Boddekes, Membrane Processes in Separation and Purification, Kluwer Academic Publications.
5. Larry Ricci and the staff of chemical engineering separation techniques, Mc Graw Hi!l publications
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH210
Unit. I. Introduction to process optimization; formulation of various process optimization problems and their classification. . Basic concepts of optimization-convex and concave functions, necessary and sufficient conditions for stationary points
Unit II
Optimization of one dimensional functions, unconstrained multivariable optimization- direct search methods. Bracketing methods: Exhaustive search method, Bounding phase method Region elimination methods: Interval having method, Fibonacci search method, Golden section search method. PointEstimation method: Successive quadratic estimation method.
Unit. III:
Indirect first or derand second order method. Gradient-based methods: Newton- Raphson method, Bisection method, Secant method, Cubic search method. Root-finding using optimization techniques. Multivariable Optimization Algorithms: Optimality criteria, Unidirectional search, direct search methods: Evolutionary optimization method, simplex search method, Powell‟s con ugate direction method. Gradientbased methods Cauchy‟s (steepest descent) method, Newton‟s method
Unit. IV
Constrained Optimization Algorithms: Kuhn-Tucker conditions, Transformation methods: Penalty function method, method of multipliers, Sensitivity analysis, Direct search for constraint minimization: Variable elimination method, complex search method. Successive linear and quadratic programming, optimization of staged and discrete processes.
Unit. V
Specialized & Non-traditional Algorithms: Integer Programming: Penalty function method. Non-traditional Optimization Algorithms: Genetic Algorithms: Working principles. differences between GAS and traditional methods, similarities between GAS and traditional methods, GAS for constrained optimization, other GA operators, Real-coded GAS, Advanced GAS.
I. Kalyannioy Deb ,Optimization for engineering design.,, Prentice Hail of India
2. T. F.Edgar and D.M.Himmelhlau, optimization of chemical processes, Mc Graw Hill, international
editions, chemical engineering series, 1989.
I) G.S. Beveridge and R.S. Schechter, Optimization theory and practice, Mc Graw Hill, Newyork,
2) Reklljtis, G.V., Ravindran, A., and Ragdell, K.M., Engineering Optimization-Methods and
Applications, John Wiley, New York, 1983.
3) SS Rao, Optimization Theory and Applications
Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS. W.e.f. 2010-2011 Batch
Subject Code: 10CH211
Unit I:
Elements of probability theory Probability distributions : Random variables, density and distribution
functions. Mathematical expectation. Binominal distribution, Poisson distribution, normal distribution, exponential distribution, Weibull distribution.
Unit II:
Definition of Reliability. Significance of the terms appearing in the definition. Component reliability, Hazard rate, derivation of the reliability function in terms of the hazard rate. Hazard models. Failures: Causes of failures, types of failures ( early failures, chance failures and wear-out failures). Modes of failure. Bath tub curve. Effect of preventive maintenance. Measures of reliability: mean time to failure and mean time between failures.
Unit III:
Reliability logic diagrams ( reliability block diagrams) Classification of engineering systems: series,
parallel, series-parallel, parallel-series and non-series-parallel configurations. Expressions for the reliability of the basic configurations.
Reliability evaluation of Non-series-parallel configurations: minimal tie-set, minimal cut-set and decomposition methods. Deduction of the minimal cutsets from the minimal pathsets.
Unit IV:
Discrete Markov Chains: General modelling concepts, stochastic transitional probability matrix, time dependent probability evaluation and limiting state probability evaluation. Absorbing states. Continuous Markov Processes: Modelling concepts, State space diagrams, Stochastic Transitional Probability Matrix, Evaluating limiting state Probabilities. Reliability evaluation of repairable systems.
Unit V:
Series systems, parallel systems with two and more than two components, Network reduction techniques. Minimal cutset/failure mode approach.
1. “ RELIABILITY EVALUATION OF ENGINEERING SYSTEMS”, Roy Billinton and Ronald N Allan, Plenum Press.
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