Pre - Ph.D Examination Notification - August - 2014::
S. No Subject
1 British Literature 1312101
2 American Literature & Afro American Literature 1312102
3 Common Wealth Literature & Indian Literature 1312103
4 Diasporic Literature 1312104
5 Theoretical Foundations for Language Teaching and Learning 1312105
6 Curriculum Designing and Material Production 1312106
7 Language Teaching Methods and Techniques 1312107
8 Language and Linguistics 1312108
PAPER – II Subject Code
S. No Subject
1 Women Studies 1312201
2 Translation Studies 1312202
3 Literary Theory and Criticism 1312203
4 Folk Literature and Culture Studies 1312204
5 Literature for Language Teaching and Learning 1312205
6 Language Testing 1312206
7 CALL, Use of ICT 1312207
8 ESP Courses 1312208
British Literature
Unit-I: Thomas Hardy:
Novel: The Return of the Native
Robert Browning: Rabbi Ben Ezra
Unit-II: Works of T.S.Eliot :
Poem: The Waste Land,
Play: The Cocktail Party
Critical Essay: Tradition and Individual Talent
Unit-III: Selections from: Raymond Williams: Drama from Ibsen to Brecht:
Selections from G.S Fraser: The Modern World Writer and His World
Unit-IV: Elaine Show Alter: Towards a Feminist Poetics
Unit-V: Seamus Heaney: Death of a Naturalist,
Ted Hughes: · · 1970 Crow: From the Life and the Songs of the Crow
American Literature & Afro American Literature
Unit-I: Hawthorne: This Scarlet Letter
Hemingway: The Old Man and the Sea
Saul Below: The Victim
Tony Morrison: A Pair of Blue Eyes
Unit-II: Alice Walker: The Color Purple
Barnard Malamud: The Natural
Unit-III: Saul Bellow: The Victim
Tony Morrison: A Pair of Blue Eyes
Maya Angelou: The Heart of a Woman
Unit-IV: John Press: A Map of Modern Verse
Harold Pinter: The Dumb Waiter
Unit-V: Mary Helen Washington: Invented Lives: Narratives of Black Women
Audre Lorde: From a Land Where Other People Live
Common Wealth Literature & Indian Literature
Unit-I: Chinua Achebe: Arrow of God
Patrick White: The Tree of Man
Unit-II: Margaret Atwood: The Edible Woman
Khaleel Hossnain: The Kite Runer
Unit-III: Vikram Seth: The Golden Gate
Raja Rao: The Cat in Shakespeare
Unit-IV: Margaret Atwood
Novel: Surfacing
Short Stories: Murder in the Dark
Non-Fiction Work: Survival: A Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature
Unit-V: Kiran Desai: Inheritance of Laws
Yasmeen Guna Ratne: There Was Country and On An Asian Poet Fallen Among
Reading List:
Bruce King: Modern Indian Poetry in English
Diasporic Literature
Unit-I: Jhumpa Lahiri: The Namesake
Bharathi Mukherjee: Desirable Daughters
Unit-II: Bapsi Sidhwa: The American Bratt
V.S.Naipul: A House for Mr.Biswas
Unit-III: Rohinton Mystry: Such A Long Journey
Salman Rushdie: Shame
Unit-IV: Flaming Spirit: stories from the Asian Women Writer's
Collective Odyssey: short stories by India women writers settled abroad
Unit-V: Ghosh, Amitava : 'The Diaspora in Indian Culture
Theoretical Foundations for Language Teaching and Learning
Unit-I: First language learning, Second Language Learning, Differences between L1 and L2 Learning, Krashen’s Hypotheses, Chomsky-language learning, Cummins-BICS and CALP
Unit-II: Behavioural Approach, Cognitive Approach: Piaget, Constructivists theories: Vygotsky, Gardener, Bloom’s taxonomy
Unit-III: Methods and Techniques (From Grammar Translation to CLT)
Unit-IV: Task-Based Language Teaching and Learning, Learner Autonomy, Learning Centered Approach
Unit-V: Learning Vocabulary, Grammar and Language skills and sub skills, research methodology
Reading List:
Lightbown and Spada. 1993. How are Languages Learned? Oxford University Press
Krashen, S., (1981). Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. London: Pergamon Press Ellis R. 1982: Second Language Learning Theories
Stern HH.1987. Fundamentals concepts of Language Learning
Bialystyok, E (2001): Bilingualism in Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Chaudron, C (1988): Second Language Classroom: Research on Teaching and Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Curriculum Designing and Material Production
Unit-I: Second language learning theories, introduction to curriculum designing and planning, : Teacher factors (education, training, experience, exposure) & Learner Factors (age, aptitude, background knowledge), individual differences, mixed ability groups,
Unit-II Curriculum development strategies and models- process model, objectives model, Needs analysis, aims and learning outcomes,
Unit-III: Types of Texts for Language Teaching (cultural, academic, content-based), teaching-learning methods, learning resources,
Unit-IV: Implementing the curriculum-syllabus and Supplementary Material, monitoring and evaluating the curriculum, evaluation strategy,
Unit-V: Revisiting curriculum, revising strategy change decisions
Reading List:
Keith Johnson: Second Language Curriculum
Johnson, E B. 2002. Contextual Teaching and Learning. California: Corwin Press.
Allen and Unwin. 1993. Curriculum Development and Design. Murry Print.
J C Richards.2001.Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge university press
Kathleen Graves. 1996. Teachers as Course Developers. Cambridge university Press
Language Teaching Methods and Techniques
Unit-I: Fundamental theories of language learning and teaching, bilingualism and multilingualism
Unit-II: Cognitive theories of language learning, short and long-term memory, language and thought (hypotheses), concepts and schemata
Unit-III: Learning strategies, types of strategies, strategies for each language skill and sub-skill
Unit-IV: Learning styles in relation to multiple intelligences, teaching styles and style wars in classroom
Unit-V: Designing tasks for language classroom in relation to learning styles, cognitive abilities, learning styles and cultural influences on learning
Reading List:
JC Richards & WA Renandya (eds) 2002.: Methodology in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press.
N.S.Prabhu 1987: Second Language Pedagogy. Oxford University Press
M. Bygate, P. Skehan & M. Swain (Eds.), Researching pedagogic tasks. Harlow, Essex: Longman
Gardner, H (1993): Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Second edn). New York: Basic Books
Oxford, R L (1990): Language Learning Strategies: What every teacher should know. New York: Newbury House
P Robinson (ed) 2002: Cognition and Second Language Instruction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Language and Linguistics
Unit-I: Properties of Language, origin of language, levels of linguistic analyses, language variation- standard language, dialects- regional & social, pidgins and creoles, register and jargon, slang, language planning
Unit-II: Phonology and phonetics- phoneme, phones and allophones, minimal pairs, syllables and clusters, morphology and word formation-morphemes, free and bound morphemes, coinage, borrowing, compounding, blending
Unit-III: Discourse Analysis –interpreting discourse, cohesion, coherence, speech events, conversation analysis, turn-taking, cooperative principle, background knowledge, schemas and scripts, social, classroom, cultural
Unit-IV: Syntax-generative grammar, structure, structural integrity, tree diagrams, phrase structure rules, lexical rules, transformational grammar
Unit-V: Semantics- conceptual and associative meaning, semantic features, semantic roles, agent and theme, role of culture in meaning making
Reading List:
Yule G. 2009 (ed) The Study of language. Cambridge University Press
Trask RL.1995. Language- the basics. Routledge
Crystal,D.1992. Introducing Linguistics. Penguin English
Lyons, j.1981. Language and Linguistics. Cambridge University Press
Hockett, C F: A Course in Modern Linguistics. Macmillan
Women Studies
Unit-I: Tasleema Nasreen: Lajja
Shashi Deshpandey: The Dark Holds No Terrors
Unit-II: Arudhati Roy: The End of Imagination.
Mary Woolstone Craft: A Vindication of the Rights of Women
Unit-III: Virginia Woolf: A Room of One’s Own
Gloria Naylor: The Women of Brewster Place
Luce Irigaray: Speculum of the Other Woman
Unit-IV: Buchie Emicheta: The Joys of Motherhood
Simone De Beauvoir: The Second Sex
Unit-V: Bell Hooks: Ain’t I a Woman?: Black Women and Feminism
Margarete Laurence: The Stone Angel
Translation Studies
Unit-I: Dostovysky: The Idiot
Chekov: The Cherry Orchid
Unit-II: Victor Hugo: Les Miserables
Albert Camous: The Plague
Unit-III: Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot
Prem Chand: Godaan
Unit-IV: Kalidasa: Sakuntalam (translated by M.R.Kale,)
Rabindranath Tagore: Binodini
Unit-V: Susan Bassnett: Translation Studies
Literary Theory and Criticism
Unit-I: Reader Response Theory & Eco Criticism, Realism,
Unit-II: Post Colonial Criticism
Unit-III: Five Approaches to Criticism
Unit-IV: Functions and Principles of Criticism
Unit-V: Structuralism, Existentialism, Neoclassicism, Genre Analysis,
Reading List:
Folk Literature and Culture Studies
Unit-I: Kevin Gilbert (Living Black), Kateri Awikenzie-Damm ed., (Skins: Contemporary Indigenous Writing)
Unit-II: Wahida Clark
California Cooper
Unit-III: Culture and Popular Culture
Unit-IV: Can the Subaltern Speak." Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture Ed. Carry Nelson and Lawrence Grossberg
Unit-V: Mahasweta Devi: The Breast Giver
Pramod K Nair: Introduction to Cultural Studies
Literature for Language Teaching and Learning
Time: Unit-I: Fundamentals of language teaching, classroom techniques, learner and teacher factors, learner-centered classroom, learner autonomy
Unit-II: Content-based teaching, task-based teaching, experiential learning
Unit-III: Analysing different types of texts, language of different genres of texts, levels of reading-factual, inferential, interpretative, extrapolative
Unit-IV: Facilitating enhancement of critical thinking and creative thinking skills and language, grammar, vocabulary and study skills through literature
Unit-V: Evaluation procedures, designing language tasks and activities based on literature reading
Reading List:
Brumfit CJ and Carter, R A.1986. Literature and Language Teaching. Oxford university press
Short, M. 1996. Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose. London: Longman.
Byram, M & Grundy.P.2002. Context and Culture in Language Teaching and Learning. Multilingual Matters.
Simpson, P.1997. Language through Literature: an Introduction. London: Routledge.
Duff, A & Maley, A (2007) Literature (Resource Books for Teachers), Oxford University Press.
Maley, A (2001) ‘Literature in the language classroom' in The Cambridge Guide to Teaching ESOL, Cambridge University Press.
Language Testing
Unit-I: Language Learning, assessment theories; role of testing and evaluation in language assessment, basic principles of assessment
Unit-II: Selecting and designing tests for all Language skills (LSRW, grammar and vocabulary), stages in designing tests, Testing tasks, gradation, testing types, formative and summative, assessments, integrated skills testing
Unit-III: Correctness and appropriateness of tests, Describing and measuring language ability through tests, tests and suitability for each skill, testing four skills, Designing and Evaluating Procedures and Instruments of testing
Unit-IV: Alternative assessment tools and testing devices; pre and post tests, washback theory, Statistical Analysis of test scores
Unit-V: Professional ethics in guidance and evaluation, constructive feedback, counseling
Reading List:
Coombe, C, Davidson, O’Sullivan and Stoynoff, 2012: The Cambridge Guide to Second Language Assessment, Cambridge University Press
Bachman LF.1990. Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing
Madsen, Harold S 1983. Techniques in Testing.
Bachman LF and A Palmer 2010. Language Assessment in Practice. Oxford University Press
Hughes. A.1989.Testing for language teachers. Cambridge University Press
Brown and Abhay Vikrama. 2010. Language Assessment: Principles and Practices. Pearson.
CALL, Use of ICT
Unit-I: Different aids for language teaching-learning, learner autonomy, learner centered teaching, Media, Computer Assisted Language Learning, CALI ( I for Instruction), TELL (Technology Enhanced Language Learning)
Unit-II: Online learning, multi-media and internet use for language learning, developing language skills, vocabulary and learning grammar
Unit-III: Designing CALI programs, hyper texts, choice of texts for learning, other web tools for language learning
Unit-IV: Roles of teachers, learners and technology redefined with Computer interference in language learning classes
Unit-V: Virtual worlds, impact of CALL, Assessment criteria,
Reading List:
Levy M. (1997) CALL: Context and Conceptualisation, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Davies G. & Higgins J. (1982) Computers, language and language learning, London: CILT.
Bush M. & Terry R. (1997) (eds.) Technology-enhanced language learning, Lincolnwood, Illinois: National Textbook Company.
Dudeney G. (2007) The Internet and the language classroom, Second Edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Richardson W. (2006) Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and the Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press.
Davies G. (ed.) Information and Communications Technology for Language Teachers (ICT4LT), Slough, Thames Valley University [Online]:
ESP Courses
Unit-I: English as First Language, English as Second Language (ESL), English as Foreign Language(EFL), Teaching English Second Language (TESL), Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL), Different Registers, Language Teaching Techniques For Varied Purposes
Unit-II: Ways of describing language, models of learning, teacher orientation, learners’ ideology and expectations
Unit-III: Approaches to design ESP courses, language-centered, learner-centered, needs based, skills centered, learning-centered approaches,
Unit-IV: Stages of ESP course Design,Designing and Delivering ESP courses, knowledge and linguistic knowledge levels of the learners, needs analysis, curriculum, syllabus, instructional design and delivery, resources and aids available
Unit-V: Impact factor, assessment procedures, revisiting the course designing- a dynamic process; review of any two sample courses ( E.g.:Business English, Technical English)
Reading List:
N. Krishna Swamy & Lalitha Krishna Swamy: Teaching English Approaches, Methods and Techniques.
Tom Hutchinson and Alan Waters: English for Specific Purposes.Cambridge University Press
Harmer, J. 2001. The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.
Long M H and Crookes, G. 1992. Three Approaches to Task-Based Syllabus Design. TESOL Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 1., pp. 27-56.
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