Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS. W.e.f.2010-2011 Batch
(Choose any two subjects)
S.No Subject Name Subject Code
1 Condensed Matter Physics 10PY01
2 Materials Science 10PY02
3 Modern Physics 10PY03
4 Liquid Crystals-I (Theory) 10PY04
5 Liquid Crystals -Ii(Applications) 10PY05
6 Studies on Carbon Nano tubes 10PY06
Crystal Physics and Defects in Crystals: Crystalline solids, unit cells and direct lattice, two and three dimensional Bravais lattice, closed packed structures. Interaction of X-rays with matter, absorption of X-rays. Elastic scattering from a perfect lattice. The reciprocal lattice and its applications to diffraction techniques.
The Laue, powder and rotating crystal methods, crystal methods, crystal structure factor and intensity of diffraction maxima. Extinctions due to lattice centering. Point defects, line defects line defects and planner (stacking) faults. The role of dislocations in plastic deformation and crystal growth. The observation of imperfections in crystals, X-ray and electron microscopic techniques.
Electronic Properties of Solids: Electrons in a periodic lattice: Bloch theorem, band theory, classification of solids, effective mass. Tight-bonding, cellular and pseudo potential methods. Fermi surface, de Hass von Alfen effect, cyclotron resonance, magneto-resistance, quantum Hall effect. Superconductivity: Critical temperature, persistent current, Meissner effect.
Weiss theory of ferromagnetism. Heisenberg model and molecular field theory. Spin waves and magnons. Curie-Weiss law for susceptibility, Ferri-and anti ferromagnetic order. Domains and Bloch-wall energy.
Verma and Srivastava: crystallography for solid state physics
• Kittel: Solid State physics
Azroff: Introduction to Solids
• Omar: Elementary Solid State Physics
• Aschroff & Mermin: Solid State physics.
• Chalkin and Lubensky : Principles of Condensed Matter physics.
Unit 1: Dielectrics and Ferroelectrics
Macroscopic description of the static dielectric constant, the electronic and ionic polorizabilities of molecules. Orientational Polarization, Measurement or dielectric constant of a solid, the internal field of Lorentz, Clausius-Mosotti relation, elementary ideas on dipole relaxation.
Classification of ferroelectric crystals- Ba TiO3 and KDP, Dielectric theory of ferro electricity, spontaneous polarization and ferroelectric hysteresis.
Unit 2: Magnetic properties
Quantum theory of diamagnetism, origin of permanent magnetic moment, Theories of paramagnetism, paramagnetic cooling, spontaneous magnetization, Weiss theory of spontaneous magnetization, Nature and origin of the Weiss molecular field, Heisenberg exchange interaction, Hysteresis. The Block wall, Neel's theory of Antiferromagnetism. Ferromagnetism, Ferrite's and their applications (basic
concepts only).
Unit 3: Superconductivity
Occurrence of Superconductivity, Experimental observations, Persistent currents, Effect of magnetic fields, Meissner effect, Type I and Type II super conductors, Intermediate states, Entropy and heat capacity, energy gap, Isotope effect, Thermal conductivity. Theoretical explanations, London's equation, Penetration depth, Coherence length Cooper Pairs, Elements of BCS theory, Giaver tunneling Josephson effects (basic ideas)
Unit 4: Fiber optics and Lasers
Introduction , ray theory Transmission, Types of fibers, Photo conductor, fiber optic sensors.
Lasers basic concepts condition for lasing action, Ruby laser, Helium - Neon laser Semi - Conductor lasers applications.
1. Applied physics by Dr.M. Chandra shekher & Dr. P. Appala Naidu
2. Materials science by M.Arumugam
3. Materials science & Engineering by W.D.Callister (Jr)
Unit-I: Electromagnetic Waves: Equation of continuity, Maxwell's equations, Maxwell’s equations in integral and differential forms, Physical Significance, Pointing theorem,Poynting vector, The wave equation, plane Electro magnetic wave in free space, plane Electro magnetic wave in anisotropic non conducting medium, plane Electro magnetic wave in isotropic non conducting medium, plane Electro magnetic wave in conducting medium.
Deflects in Solids: Introduction, classification of imperfections, point defects; vacancies, impurities, interstitials, color centues, Schottkey defects, Frenkel defects. Estimation of concentration of Schottkey defects and Frenkel defects at a given temperature. Line Defects: Edge dislocation, Screw dislocation, Burger's circuit and Burger's vector.
Super conductors: Super conducting phenomenon, Zero electrical resistance, Meissner's effects, magnetic phase diagram, energy gap, isotope effect, flux quantization, Josephson effect and tunneling, SQUID, London equations, BCS theory, application of superconductors.
Photonic devices: Light emitting diodes, photo diode, solar sells, photo transistor. Books:
1. EM Waves and Radiating Systems by Edward C.Jordon Keith G. Balmain
2. Electromagnetic theory and Electrodynamics by Satya Prasad
3. Introduction to solid state physics by C.Kittel
4. Physics of Semiconductor Devices by S.M.Sze.
1. Chemical constitution- Thermotropic Liquid Crystals- Nematics, Smectics, Cholesterics and Disc like molecules, Linear molecules - Achiral and Chiral molecules -Occurrence of Ferroelectricity- Supra-molecular Design of molecules- Banana molecules, Lyotropic Liquid Crystals- Monolayer and Bilayer arrangements- Monotropic and Enantiotropic Liquid Crystals- Bridging Groups - chemical mieties and their influence for
2. Microscopic investigations including basic concepts- Phenomenology and Morphology- Polymorphism- Boundary effects- Textures- homogeneous and Hometropic textures of Nematic and Smectic phases.
3. Theories of Liquid Crystalline state- Swarm theory- Contnuum theory- Maier Saupe theory (Mean field )- Landu de Gennes theory- Pre-
transitional Effects- McMillan theory of smectic-A phase and its developments.
4. Electric and magnetic field Effects- Elastic Deformation (Frederick’s deformation)
- Magnetic field effects (Temperature) on Nematic and Smectics- Electric field effects - Domains- DSM- Loops- Electro Hydrodynamics instabilities.
1. Thermodynamic properties - Theories of phase transitions - Pre-transitional
phenomena - Calorimetric measurements - Molar heat - transition
entropy and Enthalpy.
2. Optical properties - Birefringence - Rayleigh’s Scattering - UV and Visible absorption spectroscopy - IR spectroscopy.
3. Liquid crystal displays - Electro-optic phenomena - field induced
Birefringence - Twisted Nematic - Guest Host effect - Cholesteric to Nematic transition - Storage mode - Display life - Alignment of Liquid crystal - Homogeneous and Homeotropic.
4. Technical applications - Thermography - Electro-optic display devices - Holography - Interferometry and other applications -
5. Electro-optic Modulators with Liquid Crystals - Ferroelectricity in smectic Liquid Crystals - Surface Stabilized Switching mechanism in Liquid Crystals- Polarization Switching - Threshold less Switching - V-shaped Switching.
Text Books & Reference:
1. ‘The Physics of Liquid Crystals’ by P.G. de Gennes, Ed: Marshall & Wilkinson,
Clarendon .Press, Oxford, U.K.
2. ‘Introduction to Liquid Crystals’ by E.B.Priestley, Plenum Press.
3. ‘Liquid Crystals’ by S.Chandrasekhar, Cambridge Univ. Press.
4. ‘The Molecular Physics of Liquid Crystals’ by G.R.Luskhurst and G.W.Gray,
Academic Press, New York, U.S.A.
5. ‘Hand Book of Liquid Crystals’ by T. Kato, Ed:D. Demus, J. Goodby, G.W.
Gray, Ed: H.W. Spiess and V. Vill (Weinheim: Wiley-VCH), 1998.
6 . ‘Thermotropic Liquid Crystals’- Recent Advances’, Ed: A.Ramamoorthy, Springer Press.
7. ‘Alignment Technologies and Applications of Liquid Crystal Devices’ by
Kohki Takatoh, Masaki Hasegawa et al, Taylor & Francis Press.
8. ‘Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals - Principles, Properties and Aplications’ by
J.W.Goodby, R.Blink, N.A.Clrk, S. T.Lagerwall et al
9. ‘Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals’ by B.Zeks and R.Blinc, Gordon & Breach.
10. H. Kihara, T. Kato, T. Uryu, S. Ujiie, U. Kumar, J.M.J. Frechet, D.W. Bruce and D.J. Price, Liq. Cryst., 21 (1996) 25; Z. Siderotou, D. Tsiourvas, C.M. Paleos and A. Skoulios Liq. Cryst., 22 (1997) 51; C.M. Paleos and D. Tsiourvas D, Liq. Cryst., 28 (2001) 1127.
11. T.C. Lubensky and L. Radzihovsky, Phy. Rev. E., 66 (2002) 031704.
(Choose any two subjects)
S.No Subject Name Subject Code
1 Condensed Matter Physics 10PY01
2 Materials Science 10PY02
3 Modern Physics 10PY03
4 Liquid Crystals-I (Theory) 10PY04
5 Liquid Crystals -Ii(Applications) 10PY05
6 Studies on Carbon Nano tubes 10PY06
Crystal Physics and Defects in Crystals: Crystalline solids, unit cells and direct lattice, two and three dimensional Bravais lattice, closed packed structures. Interaction of X-rays with matter, absorption of X-rays. Elastic scattering from a perfect lattice. The reciprocal lattice and its applications to diffraction techniques.
The Laue, powder and rotating crystal methods, crystal methods, crystal structure factor and intensity of diffraction maxima. Extinctions due to lattice centering. Point defects, line defects line defects and planner (stacking) faults. The role of dislocations in plastic deformation and crystal growth. The observation of imperfections in crystals, X-ray and electron microscopic techniques.
Electronic Properties of Solids: Electrons in a periodic lattice: Bloch theorem, band theory, classification of solids, effective mass. Tight-bonding, cellular and pseudo potential methods. Fermi surface, de Hass von Alfen effect, cyclotron resonance, magneto-resistance, quantum Hall effect. Superconductivity: Critical temperature, persistent current, Meissner effect.
Weiss theory of ferromagnetism. Heisenberg model and molecular field theory. Spin waves and magnons. Curie-Weiss law for susceptibility, Ferri-and anti ferromagnetic order. Domains and Bloch-wall energy.
Verma and Srivastava: crystallography for solid state physics
• Kittel: Solid State physics
Azroff: Introduction to Solids
• Omar: Elementary Solid State Physics
• Aschroff & Mermin: Solid State physics.
• Chalkin and Lubensky : Principles of Condensed Matter physics.
Unit 1: Dielectrics and Ferroelectrics
Macroscopic description of the static dielectric constant, the electronic and ionic polorizabilities of molecules. Orientational Polarization, Measurement or dielectric constant of a solid, the internal field of Lorentz, Clausius-Mosotti relation, elementary ideas on dipole relaxation.
Classification of ferroelectric crystals- Ba TiO3 and KDP, Dielectric theory of ferro electricity, spontaneous polarization and ferroelectric hysteresis.
Unit 2: Magnetic properties
Quantum theory of diamagnetism, origin of permanent magnetic moment, Theories of paramagnetism, paramagnetic cooling, spontaneous magnetization, Weiss theory of spontaneous magnetization, Nature and origin of the Weiss molecular field, Heisenberg exchange interaction, Hysteresis. The Block wall, Neel's theory of Antiferromagnetism. Ferromagnetism, Ferrite's and their applications (basic
concepts only).
Unit 3: Superconductivity
Occurrence of Superconductivity, Experimental observations, Persistent currents, Effect of magnetic fields, Meissner effect, Type I and Type II super conductors, Intermediate states, Entropy and heat capacity, energy gap, Isotope effect, Thermal conductivity. Theoretical explanations, London's equation, Penetration depth, Coherence length Cooper Pairs, Elements of BCS theory, Giaver tunneling Josephson effects (basic ideas)
Unit 4: Fiber optics and Lasers
Introduction , ray theory Transmission, Types of fibers, Photo conductor, fiber optic sensors.
Lasers basic concepts condition for lasing action, Ruby laser, Helium - Neon laser Semi - Conductor lasers applications.
1. Applied physics by Dr.M. Chandra shekher & Dr. P. Appala Naidu
2. Materials science by M.Arumugam
3. Materials science & Engineering by W.D.Callister (Jr)
Unit-I: Electromagnetic Waves: Equation of continuity, Maxwell's equations, Maxwell’s equations in integral and differential forms, Physical Significance, Pointing theorem,Poynting vector, The wave equation, plane Electro magnetic wave in free space, plane Electro magnetic wave in anisotropic non conducting medium, plane Electro magnetic wave in isotropic non conducting medium, plane Electro magnetic wave in conducting medium.
Deflects in Solids: Introduction, classification of imperfections, point defects; vacancies, impurities, interstitials, color centues, Schottkey defects, Frenkel defects. Estimation of concentration of Schottkey defects and Frenkel defects at a given temperature. Line Defects: Edge dislocation, Screw dislocation, Burger's circuit and Burger's vector.
Super conductors: Super conducting phenomenon, Zero electrical resistance, Meissner's effects, magnetic phase diagram, energy gap, isotope effect, flux quantization, Josephson effect and tunneling, SQUID, London equations, BCS theory, application of superconductors.
Photonic devices: Light emitting diodes, photo diode, solar sells, photo transistor. Books:
1. EM Waves and Radiating Systems by Edward C.Jordon Keith G. Balmain
2. Electromagnetic theory and Electrodynamics by Satya Prasad
3. Introduction to solid state physics by C.Kittel
4. Physics of Semiconductor Devices by S.M.Sze.
1. Chemical constitution- Thermotropic Liquid Crystals- Nematics, Smectics, Cholesterics and Disc like molecules, Linear molecules - Achiral and Chiral molecules -Occurrence of Ferroelectricity- Supra-molecular Design of molecules- Banana molecules, Lyotropic Liquid Crystals- Monolayer and Bilayer arrangements- Monotropic and Enantiotropic Liquid Crystals- Bridging Groups - chemical mieties and their influence for
2. Microscopic investigations including basic concepts- Phenomenology and Morphology- Polymorphism- Boundary effects- Textures- homogeneous and Hometropic textures of Nematic and Smectic phases.
3. Theories of Liquid Crystalline state- Swarm theory- Contnuum theory- Maier Saupe theory (Mean field )- Landu de Gennes theory- Pre-
transitional Effects- McMillan theory of smectic-A phase and its developments.
4. Electric and magnetic field Effects- Elastic Deformation (Frederick’s deformation)
- Magnetic field effects (Temperature) on Nematic and Smectics- Electric field effects - Domains- DSM- Loops- Electro Hydrodynamics instabilities.
1. Thermodynamic properties - Theories of phase transitions - Pre-transitional
phenomena - Calorimetric measurements - Molar heat - transition
entropy and Enthalpy.
2. Optical properties - Birefringence - Rayleigh’s Scattering - UV and Visible absorption spectroscopy - IR spectroscopy.
3. Liquid crystal displays - Electro-optic phenomena - field induced
Birefringence - Twisted Nematic - Guest Host effect - Cholesteric to Nematic transition - Storage mode - Display life - Alignment of Liquid crystal - Homogeneous and Homeotropic.
4. Technical applications - Thermography - Electro-optic display devices - Holography - Interferometry and other applications -
5. Electro-optic Modulators with Liquid Crystals - Ferroelectricity in smectic Liquid Crystals - Surface Stabilized Switching mechanism in Liquid Crystals- Polarization Switching - Threshold less Switching - V-shaped Switching.
Text Books & Reference:
1. ‘The Physics of Liquid Crystals’ by P.G. de Gennes, Ed: Marshall & Wilkinson,
Clarendon .Press, Oxford, U.K.
2. ‘Introduction to Liquid Crystals’ by E.B.Priestley, Plenum Press.
3. ‘Liquid Crystals’ by S.Chandrasekhar, Cambridge Univ. Press.
4. ‘The Molecular Physics of Liquid Crystals’ by G.R.Luskhurst and G.W.Gray,
Academic Press, New York, U.S.A.
5. ‘Hand Book of Liquid Crystals’ by T. Kato, Ed:D. Demus, J. Goodby, G.W.
Gray, Ed: H.W. Spiess and V. Vill (Weinheim: Wiley-VCH), 1998.
6 . ‘Thermotropic Liquid Crystals’- Recent Advances’, Ed: A.Ramamoorthy, Springer Press.
7. ‘Alignment Technologies and Applications of Liquid Crystal Devices’ by
Kohki Takatoh, Masaki Hasegawa et al, Taylor & Francis Press.
8. ‘Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals - Principles, Properties and Aplications’ by
J.W.Goodby, R.Blink, N.A.Clrk, S. T.Lagerwall et al
9. ‘Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals’ by B.Zeks and R.Blinc, Gordon & Breach.
10. H. Kihara, T. Kato, T. Uryu, S. Ujiie, U. Kumar, J.M.J. Frechet, D.W. Bruce and D.J. Price, Liq. Cryst., 21 (1996) 25; Z. Siderotou, D. Tsiourvas, C.M. Paleos and A. Skoulios Liq. Cryst., 22 (1997) 51; C.M. Paleos and D. Tsiourvas D, Liq. Cryst., 28 (2001) 1127.
11. T.C. Lubensky and L. Radzihovsky, Phy. Rev. E., 66 (2002) 031704.
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